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Birds 4 Homes Aviary

falcon birds for sale


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Falcon Birds For Sale

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Embark on a journey into the world of falconry with our exceptional selection of falcon birds for sale. At Birds4homesaviary, we take pride in offering a diverse array of falcons, including Gyrfalcons (Falco rusticolus) and Peregrine Falcons—Peale’s (Falco peregrinus pealei) and Anatum (Falco peregrinus anatum), along with a unique 4-way cross of Figian, macropus, Peales’, and Anatum subspecies.

Gyrfalcon: A Symbol of Arctic Majesty

Purchase Gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus): Revered as the largest of the falcon species, the Gyrfalcon epitomizes the grandeur of the Arctic landscape. These magnificent birds of prey inhabit the coastal regions, tundra, and islands of northern North America and the Eurosiberian region. With plumage ranging from pristine white to deep brown, Gyrfalcons have been cherished for centuries as extraordinary hunting companions.

Falcon Rearing Options

Tailor the upbringing of your falcon to forge a unique bond. In our commitment to excellence, we offer you the flexibility to choose the rearing style that resonates with your preferences.

Natural Habitat and Breeding

Gyrfalcons thrive in arctic and alpine tundra, nesting across northern Canada and Alaska. They are commonly found in areas abundant with ptarmigan, near colonies of nesting seabirds, or in proximity to waterfowl habitats. During winter, they inhabit open spaces below 3,000 feet elevation, including coasts, reservoirs, farmlands, grasslands, shrublands, and river valleys.

Your Falcon Awaits

Embark on the captivating journey of falconry with a companion from Birds4homesaviary. Our falcons are bred with meticulous care, ensuring a smooth transition into your world. Embrace the heritage and allure of these majestic birds as they become your trusted hunting partners.


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